Manual Training High School 61 Years of Glory
“Manualites Forever”
By: Wilbur Gene Thomas, Ph.D.
Senior Class President
Manual Training High School (MTHS) was one of the first three segregated high schools established in Oklahoma after statehood during implementation of SB.-1 which officially established “jim crow” and “separate but equal education” for Black Americans.
Despite underfunding by State Legislators and administrative officials as compared to funding provided for traditional “White” high schools, MTHS’ produced a steady stream of quality graduates and numerous graduates achieved the highest level of appointments in Higher Education, Law, Medicine. Religion, U.S. Public Service, U.S. Foreign & Diplomatic Service, International Business and the U.S Private Sector. MTHS administered highly effective academic and vocational skills programs coupled with dedicated mentors insured that no student was left without a career path leading to educational, social, economic and political activities. MTHS was rated as the best high school for Black Americans in the State of Okahoma based on excellence in academic achievements and superior extra-curricular activites. MTHS success has been decsribed by one esteemed graduate as an “Alliance Against the Odds which consisted of parents, teachers, principals and a vigorous African American community that beat the odds in educating generations of African American children”. MTHS graduated over 5,000 students during its 61 years of service. MTHS’ doors were permanently closed after a merger with the traditional white Muskogee High School. This merger took place in 1970 and 16 years after the United States Supreme Court ruling in 1954 that struck down segregated education programs in certain states.
In the hearts and minds of every MTHS graduate, “there shines forth a beacon which will guide us on our way o’er fields of struggle which we may cross today. We pledge our devotion to this radiant light so true. To our Alma Mater pledge our loyalty to you — Manual, we love you For you’re our own. We’re always for you Where’re we roam. We’ll stand together. Ever for the right. We’ll rally to Manual to the Purple and the White”.